When one wants to assess the performance of the students, there are various formative assessment tools that one can use. Using the formative assessment tools can have quite a large impact on the students. Formative assessment tools are usually important since they give the teacher the chance to monitor students development in a more interactive environment. By using the formative assessment tools, the teacher can determine the strength and the weaknesses of the students. Using the formative assessment tools also makes sure that the teacher can meet the needs of the students. There are various formative tools that one can consider using in a classroom. However, the main challenges are usually choosing the most suitable formative assessment tool to use for your class.

In most cases, the kind of formative assessment tools that one selects will be influenced by some classroom factors. There are various steps and things that one should consider when choosing the right formative assessment tools to use. In this article, we are going to look at some of the things that one should consider when looking for the best  formative assessment tools  to use. 

The first thing that one should consider when choosing the right formative assessment tool is the end goal. This involves choosing formative assessment tools depending on the kind of results you expect. The formative tool that one will use in testing the understanding of the students will be quite different from the one to use when testing for the skills acquired. The another thing that one should consider when choosing the right formative assessment tool to use is doing technology audit.   Read  more about  it here.

There are some formative assessment tools that will demand the students to have digital devices. When choosing the right formative assessment tools, one should evaluate how effective the available devices can be utilized. By doing an audit if your classroom one will be able to know the kind of digital devices that one has and how one can utilize them. The other things that one should consider when choosing the right formative assessment tools are the kind of data that one will need. In most cases, different assessments tools are likely to produce a different kind of data. The formative assessment tools that one will use to evaluate the understanding of a single student will be different from the one which one will use in determining the performance of a group.  Find more info here : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formative_assessment.